
深圳31设计 | 杭州盛捷国际办公中心服务公寓

资深编辑/Chenhui 德国室内设计网 2022-10-29




ASCOTT is the world's famous international serviced residence owner and operator. Leading the trends and extracting local features constitute the principles guiding the highly-synergized cooperation between 31 Design and ASCOTT. Located on the bank of the Qiantang River and overlooking the river landscapes, the project is an important part of Hangzhou International Office Center, a large landmark complex soon to be completed.


Following the core philosophy featuring warmth and harmony of SOMERSET brand under ASCOTT,designers are committed, by working hard on Hangzhou, a picturesque city, to tap into its unique aesthetic quality and cultural legacy with a focus on modern context and sustainability, and breathing into the space an artistic conception of Oriental white space and a touching spirit of elegance, to the building of a homely, comfortable housing for global elites. The simple, natural and smooth design will arouse in residents an endless imagination of a pleasant life, and set up a new and forward-looking standard for high-end long-term rental apartment.


- Peace of mind, in place of ostentation -



In Hangzhou, every scenic spot has a story behind it amidst a strong humanistic atmosphere, which underpins the city’s prosperity with a poetic and profound quality. “In sunny day there are the ripples dancing on the lake, while in rain the mountains look more attractive.” Such lines, echoing throughout the time-space, sparks a love for nature in such an elegant and harmonious landscape, enable visitors to forget about the hustle and bustle of urban life and enjoy the peace of mind.

身处新兴核心区域的SOMERSET,注入当代菁英阶层的审美趣味、个性和艺术选择,巧妙撷取中式意境于当代都会空间,知停而行, 悠然品味,旨在洗尽浮华之气,重觅生活本真。

SOMERSET, located in the emerging core district, is a project fully reflecting urban elites’ aesthetic taste,personality and artistic interest, integrating Chinese artistic conception into metropolitan space, creating a platform for citizens to unwind, and revealing the true meaning of life. 


Interior design focuses on human experience, with a well-designed layout to tap the full spatial potential for a maximized function. The open communication area, by creating a transparent connectivity among the components, adds to the dimensions of the site. As a warm grey dominates the overall space, an ethereal mood is created by the sunlight coming through the soft veil. Exquisite detail design reveals a distinguished quality, conveying a sense of freedom typical of a cozy residence.


- White space, for appeal beyond charm -



Chinese tradition esthetics holds it that beauty lies not in objects or landscape, but in imagery, as is echoed by the verse “great music depends on no voice while a great view needs no forms”. The design, inspired by the basic principles of eastern philosophy, presents a good narrative of white space. With a focus on the essence, and giving full play to craftsmanship, the creative idea is endowed with a profound ethos, enabling dwellers to bathe in a poetic mood while admiring the beauty of logic and structure. 


Simple stones, warm wood grains and the white texture of the fiber wall fabric keep the tone soft, underscoring the transparency of the space, and creating an implicit and nihilistic visual effect. With an attention paid to environment protection in choice of materials and accessories, a subtle balance is maintained between gravity and lightness, evocative of a low-key charm and endless aftertaste of the environment. 


“All the blank spaces are attractions.” The artof white space not only sparks a viewer’s imagination, but allows dwellers to develop their own views on life. In line with the special functions of long-term serviced residence, spacious tailor-made storage space is designed for permanent residents in a harmonious and elegant background created with lines and color system. Residents from across the world can bring articles as they wish, which will weave into unique emotions and stories over time, thus turning it into another homely residence outside their hometown. 



- A place to call Home, wherever you may be -


For designers, SOMERSET is more a buffer between the outside world and one’s inner experience, than a refined aesthetic space. Equipped with a high-quality kitchen and fashionable home entertainment facilities, it supports all kinds of activities. Here you will find a balance well struck among gathering, leisure and business activities. After a day of efficient work, it is indeed a perfect place for you to invite friends to enjoy the views and have a good time.


“As the wind abates in the late night, the bright moon sheds her light upon the crystal green river water.”Global elites from all walks of life who are making remarkable contributions cansurely feel at home in these smart apartments. When the street lamps light upthe evening, they can free themselves from worries, relax totally to become part of the nature, liberate their mind from troubles, and enjoy the best things our life can offer.

项目名称 | 杭州盛捷国际办公中心服务公寓

Project name | Somerset IOC Hangzhou

业主单位 | 众安集团

Client | Zhong An Group

酒店管理 | 雅诗阁集团

Management | ASCOTT

设计机构 | 深圳31设计

Design studio | Shenzhen TRINITY Interior Design

主创设计 | 黄涛,李志宏

Chief Designer | Huang Tao, Li Zhihong

项目摄影 | 彦铭

Photo Credit | Yan Ming

设计范围 | 室内设计

Business | Interior design

项目类型 | 服务公寓

Type | Hospitality

项目地点 | 中国杭州

Location | Hangzhou, China

项目面积 | 28060㎡

Area | 28,060 square meter

设计时间 | 2017年5月

Design date | May 2017

TRINITY Interior Design



联合创始人——黄涛 & 李志宏


TRINITY is dedicated to diversified interior design, customized decoration and furnishings services. We not only have extensive experience in working with many global brand hotels, but also have been setting the cutting-edge standard for emerging hotel brands in China. In the high-end real estate sector, we are also increasingly favored by influential developers. At the same time, we provide tailor-made comprehensive design solutions for top luxury residential customers, and successively under take the design of top-level luxury residences in international metropolises such as Shenzhen, Hong Kong, Sanya and Hangzhou. With our infinite passion of commitment and dependable performance, TRINITY have gained the full trust and recognition of many customers and partners.

“有趣设计 • 喜悦生活”是我们始终秉持的设计理念,主张生活中的探索、自由和无尽的好奇心,融合前瞻性的全球视野与挖掘东方文化之魂的独到见解,打造最具活力和远见的设计团队。

“Enjoyable Design • Joyful Life” is our design philosophy. We advocate the exploration, freedom and endless curiosity all the time in our daily life. We endeavor to combine the pioneering global vision with the unique insights into the soul of oriental culture to create the most dynamic and far-sighted design team.


As the founder of TRINITY, Tao Huang and Zhihong Li share common values as they highly regard position design and focus on project characteristics, contemporary spirit and traditional cultural connotations, and are expert in ingeniously integrating nature, art and life perception into space. Their outstanding design thinking and extraordinary creativity of spatial planning bring out the best in each other during the design process. With their intensive and comprehensive design experience and reasonable cost control, they have created works with long-lasting competitiveness and unique feelings.

深 圳 31 设 计 近 期 案 例



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供稿 / 深圳三十一室内设计有限公司

